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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Delta Breeze" by Cindy Wiens

Do a puzzle of Cindy Wiens' quilt, Delta Breeze.


At a time when her husband was participating in the Men's Chorus, Cindy took a trip with him to one of their shows. After the show was over and her husband was helping to take the show down, Cindy sat waiting in a church pew. Trying to waste some time, she was looking at the upholstery where she sat and noticed some quilting possibilities in the design, even if it wasn't that attractive. She took a photo of it and decided that the quilt block that seemed most like the upholstery would be a Bear Paw. So she made that pew-inspired block in two different sizes, an 8 inch one and a tiny one, and created her Delta Breeze quilt, which was quilted by Darby Myers.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Cindy's quilts in How to Turn a Photo Into a Quilt Design and Working with Solids with Cindy Wiens | Fringed Edge Finish with Ricky Tims.


DeltaBreezebyCindyWiens - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

DeltaBreezebyCindyWiens - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

DeltaBreezebyCindyWiens - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

DeltaBreezebyCindyWiens - 36 Pieces Rotating

DeltaBreezebyCindyWiens - 100 Pieces Rotating

DeltaBreezebyCindyWiens - 289 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Lucas Davis


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