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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Michael's Lotus" by Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo

Do a puzzle of Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo's quilt, Michael's Lotus.


Michael's Lotus was commissioned by a friend of Leslie's named Michael. Lotuses themselves grow in muddy, marshy, swampy places, but they arise from all of that when they are grown to be beautiful, clean, unstained, and perfect. The idea behind this quilt is that our true nature can emerge from all of the muck of our lives, coming out of the darkness to reach the light with our hearts never truly having been damaged by it while remaining pure and loving in the midst of it all.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Leslie's quilts in Learn Buddhist Art of Silk Applique with Leslie Rinchen-Wongmo | Applique with Machine Embroidery with Sarah Vedeler.


Michael'sLotusbyLeslieRinchen-Wongmo - 32 Pieces Non-Rotating

Michael'sLotusbyLeslieRinchen-Wongmo - 98 Pieces Non-Rotating

Michael'sLotusbyLeslieRinchen-Wongmo - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

Michael'sLotusbyLeslieRinchen-Wongmo - 32 Pieces Rotating

Michael'sLotusbyLeslieRinchen-Wongmo - 98 Pieces Rotating

Michael'sLotusbyLeslieRinchen-Wongmo - 300 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Lucas Davis


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