The Quilt Show Puzzle: "May Day" by Margaret Willingham
Do a puzzle of Margaret Willingham's quilt, May Day.
May Day was inspired by Victorian doorknobs. Margaret's home theater that she had back in the days when she had her dance company in the 80s in Cambridge, New York was an 1878 opera house. The theater included a magician's trapdoor in the middle of the raked stage, or a stage that slopes upward away from the audience, and three intricate and gorgeous doorknobs all made in a Victorian style. The central design of May Day was inspired by one of those doorknobs. The title itself comes from a quote, "May your Days be Beautiful like the Blooms of May."
Click Here to learn more about the quilt from Margaret's website.
Click Here to see the Full Quilt.
See more of Margaret's quilts in Learn Hand and Machine Reverse Appliqué and Molas with Margaret Willingham.
MayDaybyMargaretWillingham - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating
MayDaybyMargaretWillingham - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating
MayDaybyMargaretWillingham - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating
MayDaybyMargaretWillingham - 36 Pieces Rotating
MayDaybyMargaretWillingham - 100 Pieces Rotating
MayDaybyMargaretWillingham - 289 Pieces Rotating
Original Photo: Lucas Davis