The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Freedom" by David Owen Hastings
Do a puzzle of David Owen Hastings' quilt, Freedom.
Wanting to break away from his "square way" of quilting, i.e. lots of rectangles, David forced himself to work with curves and round shapes for Freedom as a way to break free from himself during the pandemic. It was designed using a rough thumbnail sketch, a trick he brought to his quilting from his graphic design training, and from there David was given the "freedom", hence the title, to play with his work and let it evolve.
Click Here to see the Full Quilt.
See more of David's quilts in Paper Study with a Maquette and Abstract Quilt Designs with David Owen Hastings | Quilt Designs with Connie Fanders.
FreedombyDavidOwenHastings - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating
FreedombyDavidOwenHastings - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating
FreedombyDavidOwenHastings - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating
FreedombyDavidOwenHastings - 36 Pieces Rotating
FreedombyDavidOwenHastings - 100 Pieces Rotating
FreedombyDavidOwenHastings - 289 Pieces Rotating
Original Photo: Lucas Davis