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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Flowers And Friendship" by Priscilla Knoble

Do a puzzle of Priscilla Knoble's quilt, Flowers And Friendship.


Flowers And Friendship is a tribute to Priscilla's friends, passions, and what she loves to do. As part of a group of seven women who, when they meet up, discuss their hopes and dreams together, Priscilla felt that a good way to remember their moments together was by creating a quilt. In the quilt, each block represented one of her friends and the hopes and dreams that they had through flowers and their particular meanings. Each flower means something special to each friend, and the border has the name of each flower and its meaning.


On top of that, Priscilla made each friend their own mini quilt with their own particular block that included a note about why she made the quilt for them, how she thinks about them, and how she hopes that their dreams come true.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Priscilla's quilts in How to Make a House Block Japanese Style with Priscilla Knoble.


FlowersAndFriendshipbyPriscillaKnoble - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

FlowersAndFriendshipbyPriscillaKnoble - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

FlowersAndFriendshipbyPriscillaKnoble - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

FlowersAndFriendshipbyPriscillaKnoble -  36 Pieces Rotating

FlowersAndFriendshipbyPriscillaKnoble - 100 Pieces Rotating

FlowersAndFriendshipbyPriscillaKnoble - 289 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo:​ Gregory Case


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