Textile Talks: The Mysteries of Baltimore Album Quilts
The Quilt Alliance's next Textile Talk is a collaboration with Quiltfolk! Join them on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 2pm EST for a fascinating panel discussion about Baltimore Album Quilts entitled The Mysteries of Baltimore Album Quilts: 4 panelists = 100 Years of Obsession, moderated by Meg Cox.
From the Quilt Alliance:
"Baltimore Album Quilts have fascinated both makers and historians for well over a century. In Issue 21 of Quiltfolk magazine staff writer Meg Cox gives readers a look at what makes these quilts so special and why the revival movement of Baltimore Album Quilts has outlasted the original craze in the mid-19th century. For this collaboration with the Quilt Alliance, Meg invited two of the makers she profiled for the Maryland issue and two historians she consulted to come together for a panel discussion. Quiltmakers Mimi Dietrich and Nancy Kerns join historians Ronda Harrell McAllen and Deborah Cooney, with each sharing a short video about a particular Baltimore Album quilt that fed her obsession. Meg will lead a conversation with the group touching on some BAQ mysteries that were recently solved. The panel and short videos will be pre-recorded to ensure time for a question and answer period with the audience. Quiltfolk will provide all attendees with a website coupon code for 20% off the Maryland issue."
This Textile Talks takes place, Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. Future installments are held online at 2 p.m. Eastern (11 a.m. Pacific) each Wednesday.
The video will be recorded and will be able to view later.
Click here, or the photo below, to register for the Textile Talk.