
Winners of the TQS Scavenger Hunt - Memorial Day 2021

Five winners have been picked, including one from Australia and one from Switzerland...and one winner has 13 quilts in our Member Quilt Gallery.


And the winners are:

Grand Prize - Cindy Needham Little Girl:
Marsha T.
Little Girls Stencil Set:
Tina T. from Australia
Oakshott Starshot Bundle:
JoAnne H.
2 Yards Palette by marci Derse Fabric in "Just Red":
Gladys S.
EZ Rip & Grip and Perfect Spot Magnetic Tool Holder:
Lotti D. from Switzerland
Lotti also has 13 quilts in our Member Gallery and you can see then all by typing Lotti Deringer into the Search Box at the top of the page.


Mary Tipton
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I was sooooooooooo excited when Alex gave the teaser for the grand prize..."and her initials are......MT." I learned a lot from the scavenger hunt.

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