How to Do One Patch Quilt Design with Marci Baker | Michelle McKibben Heirloom Quilt
(Show 2402) Marci Baker demonstrates proper pressing and the ins-and-outs of seams. She also shares tips for cutting and assembly line stitching a fast and visually exciting one-patch quilt design. She talks about collaborating on design and construction with Sara Nephew. Then, Michelle McKibben shares a family heirloom she inherited from her grandmother. The 1873 India Soldier quilt was originally given to Michelle’s great, great, great grandmother as a presentation gift by soldiers that were nursed during their years in India.
Block Featured: Diamonds
Beginner, Fast & Easy, Quilt Care, Pressing, Rotary Cutting, 1/4" Seam Accuracy, One Block Quilts, Antique Quilts, Quilt History
Series 2400