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Accu Grip Quilting Gloves from Quilters Select

Quilters Select Accu Grip Quilting Gloves from Quilters Select Get a grip on your fabric with a non-slip silicone palm.. Product #: QUIL-MACH-ACCU based on 3 reviews Regular price: $20.99 $20.99 20

Accu Grip Quilting Gloves from Quilters Select

Price: $20.99

Stock Status: In Stock
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These one size fits all fingerless gloves have a non-slip silicone palm that is designed to improve the accuracy of your free motion quilting by giving you better grip and more control over your fabric. Plus, the fingerless design allows delicate threading and tool use without taking the glove off!

Includes one pair of gloves.



Jennifer Padden
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After trying soooo many types and styles of gloves for free motion quilting I ordered these with a lot of skepticism as to whether they would work. Let me tell you that, for me, these are a true game changer. They really do grip the fabric and...

After trying soooo many types and styles of gloves for free motion quilting I ordered these with a lot of skepticism as to whether they would work. Let me tell you that, for me, these are a true game changer. They really do grip the fabric and make the quilt sandwich controllable as I move it around under the needle. My hands are really small and the pads allow my fingers to be free to use for threading, etc and there are no glove fingers to twist around my smaller hands, I think I'm going to go ahead and order some more, cause I am famous for losing things in my sewing room and I really don't want to quilt another quilt without these. These are AMAZING!

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I totally love these gloves. I always need to use gloves to move fabric, but these fingerless gloves are a dream. I can thread my needle and fiddle with rulers. Very happy. It's like not wearing gloves.

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