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Quilting Needles - Assorted Betweens By Tulip

Tulip Quilting Needles - Assorted Betweens By Tulip Fine quality quilting needles from Hiroshima Japan.. Product #: TULI-NOTI-QiNE based on 0 reviews Regular price: $7.99 $7.99 14

Tulip Quilting Needles - Betweens Assorted

Price: $7.99

Stock Status: In Stock
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Tulip Needles are made in Hiroshima Japan, an area famous for making needles. Making a Tulip needle takes more than 30 steps, using traditional needle-making techniques that have been handed down through generations of skilled craftsmen.

Tulip needles offer:

A quality eye
The needles have a somewhat larger needle eye, with a smooth surface both inside and out.

Strong body
With just the right amount of flexibility, the needles are resistant to bending or breaking.

Sharp point
The needle’s points have undergone special high-density abrasive polishing treatment for sharpness so that you can stitch for hours with less fatigue.

Each package contains:
1 - #8 quilting needle
2 - #9 quilting needles
2 - #10 quilting needles
1 - #12 quilting needle

Actual needle sizes are:
#8 - .53mm x 29.0mm
#9 - .53mm x 27.0mm
#10 - .53mm x 25.0mm
#12 - .53mm x 23.0mm

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