
Cosmos Quilt Pattern by colourwerx

Colourwerx Cosmos Quilt Pattern by colourwerx Colorful 22" diameter circles.. Product #: CWRX-PATT-CIRL based on 0 reviews Regular price: $12.00 $12.00 1

Cosmos Quilt Pattern by colourwerx

Price: $12.00

Stock Status: In Stock
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Beautiful strip blocks make up these 22" diameter circles.

Skill: Strip piecing blocks together in a traditional drunkards path block to make the circles. Project for quilters of all skill levels.  

Includes: Fully illustrated and detailed color instructions, diagrams and photos included.  Full Size pattern shapes enclosed - no enlarging necessary.

Three sizes included:  lap size 66" X 88", table runner 22" X 66" and one block wallhanging 22" X 22". 

Printed pattern.


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