Quilt Summary:
"Rainbodacious" is a scrappy quilt created by Diane Harris after she began working for Quiltmaker magazine.
- Quilting
- - Domestic Machine
When Diane first began working for Quiltmaker magazine she had been a stay-at-home mom for twenty years, so having a full-time job was a big adjustment for her and she wasn't having any time to sew. She loved the job but was very unhappy about not being able to sew. So in desperation, she cut up some scraps into 1.5" by 2.5" bricks because she had a sense that you could make some kind of windmill block with them. Diane would keep those patches by her machine so that in the evening she could mindlessly make those little blocks and this quilt, Rainbodacious, was born out of them.
Designed and made by Diane Patrice Volk Harris (2017-2018) ; Quilted by Julie Lechner ; Published as "Color Coded" by American Patchwork & Quilting, June 2019