Pelican Parade
Quilt Summary:
"Pelican Parade" by Joanne Baeth was the winner of the Outstanding Art Quilt category at Road to California 2013.
Featured Quilts
Pictorial Quilts
Owned By:
Name of Maker:
Joanne Baeth
Name of Quilter:
Year Made:
Outstanding Art Quilt at Road to California 2013
Design Source:
Original Design
Quilt Width:
Quilt Height:
Measurements In:
- - Value
- - Domestic Machine
- - Inking on Quilts
- - Painting
Show or Museums:
Road to California 2013
Artist statement: "Great flocks of white pelicans arrive in April in the area where I live in south eastern Oregon. They remain to nest and then fly south in the fall. Heavy machine quilting with many colors of thread was done to enhance the design. The sky was painted, inks were used to shade the pelicans and each bird has over fifty pieces."
Deacon Dottie Vuono
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Deacon Dottie Vuono
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Beth Kokely
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William Densmore
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