Memories From Hotel Fahey
Quilt Summary:
"Memories From Hotel Fahey" by Ruth Ohol won Second Place in the Pieced category at Houston 2022.
- - Strip Piecing
- Quilting
- - Domestic Machine
Memories From Hotel Fahey was made by Ruth as a memorial for her friend, Margaret Fahey, who hosted Ruth many times at her home. She stayed there so often that, as Ruth says, the guest room was called "My Room" and she called Margaret's home the "Hotel Fahey". The quilt was strip pieced, and all of the machine quilting designs were hand drawn by Ruth.
Artist’s Statement: "This quilt is dedicated to the memory of a dear friend. She hosted me at her home so often, I nicknamed it Hotel Fahey. She was a lover of blue and white quilts. It seemed fitting to dedicate this to her memory."
Techniques: Machine Pieced and Quilted
Design Source: I started with Sue Garman’s pattern, Blue Heaven, and made minor changes.