I Spy A Mouse
Quilt Summary:
"I Spy A Mouse" by Cristina Arcenegui Bono is based on an illustration by Johanna Basford.
Featured Quilts
Whole cloth
Owned By:
Name of Maker:
Cristina Arcenegui Bono
Name of Quilter:
Cristina Arcenegui Bono
Year Made:
Handi Quilter Best Wall Movable Machine Workmanship Award at 2018 AQS QuiltWeek – Spring Paducah
Design Source:
Based on an illustration by Johanna Basford from her coloring book, "Enchanted Forest"
- Quilting
- - Domestic Machine
Show or Museums:
2018 AQS QuiltWeek – Spring Paducah
Based on another illustration by Johanna Basford from her coloring book, Enchanted Forest, I Spy A Mouse is named for all the creatures that are hidden throughout, including one mouse. Cristina quilted the mouse itself in a very light thread so that people would have a difficult time finding it. That way when people do find it, Cristina takes great joy in their accomplishment.