The Legend of the Blue Willow
Quilt Summary:
"The Legend of the Blue Willow" by Debbie Carrington was in the Alternative Techniques category at Houston 2018.
- - Digitized Embroidery
- - Machine Embroidery
- - Domestic Machine
- - Free Motion Quilting
- - Painting
Artist Statement: "Inspiration for this quilt came from my love of the radiant blue and white china in my grandmother's home. A huge family heirloom, the Blue Willow meat platter was brought out every Christmas. As a child, I was fascinated with the design and the tragic romantic legend depicted on the plates."
Tecniques: Machine Quilting - Stationary Machine, Free-Motion Machine Piecing and Embroidery, Original Digitized Embroidery, Painting
Materials: Muslin, Michael Miller Pearlescent Fairy Frost, Wool Batting, Rayon Embroidery Thread, Rasant Cotton-Covered Polyester Core Thread
Design Source: The design was adapted from the Blue Willow china pattern by Robert Copeland of Spode Pottery in England. Spode produced this china in the late 1700s to early 1800s.