Sweet Surrender
Quilt Summary:
Please supply a few brief highlights regarding your quilt. For example, "This is a stunning whole cloth quilt embellished with beads and hand embroidery."
- Patchwork
- - Piecing
- Quilting
- - Free Motion Quilting
Here's a list of just some of the awards for "Sweet Surrender"(68" x 68"): American Quilter’s Society Quilt Show, Nashville, TN: Best Machine Workmanship Machine Quilter’s Expo: Best Machine Quilting, Sit Down Machine Machine Quilter’s Expo: 1st Place, Wallhanging National Quilting Association Quilt Show: Best Machine Quilting on a Stationary Machine Houston International Quilt Festival: 3rd Place, Merit Machine Quilting Best of the Valley Quilt Show: Best Machine Quilting If you would like to learn more about Cindy Seitz-Krug, go to Quiltipedia.