Sugar & Spice
Quilt Summary:
"Sugar & Spice" by Deb Tucker was designed using the Tilda line of fabrics.
- Quilting
- - Domestic Machine
Outside of the box from her normal quiltmaking ways, Sugar & Spice came about when Deb's Australian distributor asked her at Market to design something that featured their Tilda line of fabrics. While the company had some wonderful products, they didn't have many quilts, so Deb agreed to create something. When the package arrived at Deb's house, it sat there for six weeks because she didn't know what she was going to do with it since she didn't work with low-contrast fabrics. What emerged was a sweet quilt design "made using an on-point arrangement of Lemoyne Stars accented by Half- and Quarter-Square Triangle units," with the LeMoyne Stars being one of Deb's trademarks.