Mediterranean Beauty
Featured Quilts
Kaleidoscope Quilts
Owned By:
Georgia Manthei of Michigan
Name of Maker:
Claudia Myer
Name of Quilter:
Marilyn Badger
Year Made:
Design Source:
Mediterranean Beauty
Measurements In:
- Patchwork
- - Foundation Piecing
- - Hand Piecing
- - Paper Piecing
- - Strip Piecing
- Quilting
- - Free Motion Quilting
- - Longarm
Show or Museums:
Houston International Quilt Festival - 500 Traditional Quilts Exhibit 2014
Claudia says, that her "Mediterranean Beauty" was inspired by the Traditional New York Beauty. She designed this "off-kilter New York Beauty" as a raffle quilt for the QTQ2002 quilt show, sponsored by APQS and held in Duluth, Minnesota. This is the first in a long line of collaborations between my good friend Marilyn Badger, longarm quilter extraordinaire, and me. In paper-piecing it, I used hand-dyed fabrics from Primrose Gradations - every tone of blue, green, turquoise, gold, and orange that they had! It was exquisitely quilted by Marilyn and is owned by Georgia Manthei of Michigan.