Born to Be Wild
Quilt Summary:
"Born to Be Wild" by Susan de Vanny won The Janome Master Award for Innovative Artistry at Houston 2022.
- - Collage
- - Machine Applique
- - Couching
- - Embellishments
- - Thread Painting
- Quilting
- - Domestic Machine
- - Free Motion Quilting
Artist’s Statement: "Wild dogs or painted wolves are my favorite animals out of Africa. Here, three young pups are walking ahead of the adult dog in the background in a landscape of a changing environment. Diminishing in numbers rapidly from disease, it is crucial to look after the numbers before they reach a crisis point, like so many African animals. The webbed holes represent climate change and the effects it has on nature’s wonderful creatures."
Techniques: Machine appliquéd, embellished, and quilted; Free-motion stitched; Collaged; Couched; Thread sketched
Design Source: Original Design