Angular No. 1
Featured Quilts
Negative Space Quilts
Owned By:
Name of Maker:
Audrey Esarey
Name of Quilter:
Audrey Esarey
Year Made:
1st Place "Use of Negative Space" at QuiltCon 2020
Quilt Width:
Quilt Height:
Measurements In:
- - Freezer Paper
- - Improvisational Piecing
- - Piecing
- - Longarm
Show or Museums:
QuiltCon 2020 in Austin, TX
Artist Statement: "The Angular No. 1 design began as a sketch of repeating a shape within a shape using an isosceles triangle as the base. Originally intended to be one large fragmented triangle, I found the design more interesting when the block layout was asymmetrical and unconventional, drawing the eye to the negative space. First in a series, Angular No. 1 is an original design that was pieced using a mix of improv piecing and freezer paper piecing."