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Sing Like There's No One Listening

Sing Like There's No One Listening

Dee Christopher walks you through the creation of Sing Like There No One Listening designed by Fiona Schiffle. Learn an easy and unique way to make a stained glass quilt as you construct a beautiful 24" x 27.5" Rooster Wall Hanging. 

Dee is LIVE on Saturdays @ 10am PST, 1pm EST, and 6pm London time. All classes are recorded so they can be viewed later.

A kit is available for this class.  Click here.

These are recordings of those sessions.

Facebook LIVE / YouTube LIVE / Dee Christopher LIVE / Dee Christopher's Saturday Sampler / Dee's Saturday Sampler / Rooster Quilt / Rooster Wall Hanging

Dee's Saturday Sampler – Sing Like There’s No One Listening Stained Glass Rooster Wall Hanging

Sing Like There's No One Listening Lessons

Join Quilting Instructor Dee Christopher as she demonstrates how make a beautiful “stained Glass” wall hanging featuring a spirited early morning rooster singing to the rising sun.


1 results - showing 1 - 1