Do a puzzle of Lynn Wilder's quilt, Country Courthouse.
Lynn says of Country Courthouse, "This quilt contains 81 Courthouse Step blocks, and 64 blocks containing five 9-patch units. The blocks finish at 5-1/2". I say small yet mighty. I never tired of selecting the different fabrics for each block. Every block is unique and beautiful in it's own way......just like people. I did have a rule that same fabrics could not touch each other. That wasn't too challenging since I had such a variety from which to choose."
Click Here to see the Full Quilt.
See more of Lynn's quilts in Block of the Month Quilt 2025 Laurel Ridge by Lynn Wilder.
CountryCourthousebyLynnWilder - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating
CountryCourthousebyLynnWilder - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating
CountryCourthousebyLynnWilder - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating
CountryCourthousebyLynnWilder - 36 Pieces Rotating
CountryCourthousebyLynnWilder - 100 Pieces Rotating
CountryCourthousebyLynnWilder - 289 Pieces Rotating
Original Photo: Lucas Davis