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  • Happy Dance! I won ribbons!
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  • What I learned
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  • New to The Quilt Show
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  • How to download pattern?
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  • Color my world — your finish here
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
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Have you watched Stitched?

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    Originally posted by genevacarroll
    "Aren't they heavy to sleep under?" I replied "yes" and I walked away.
    :lol: :lol:


      Originally posted by mkdquilts
      Have you watched Stitched yet? What did you think?
      I am a traditional quilter wannabe as I haven't completed my first quilt yet, but I've got 4 started. I work on each one depending upon the mood I'm in at that particular moment. I found the movie Stitched enlightening with all the different takes people take regarding quilts. There definitely is a place for both the art and traditional quilts. The use of fabric and thread as a mediam for art is simply awesome. The traditional quilters are artist in a different sense of the word. It is just great. Stitched was an eyeopener for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I would love to travel to both Kentucky and Texas for the quilt shows. I also enjoyed watching the taping of The Quilt Show in Boulder on Day 5. It was a wonderful experience.


        Oh Judy, you are destined to be a quilter, and before you know it you'll be able to add a '0' to the '4' of started projects.
        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          I enjoyed the show immensely. I hope to someday be able to attend the Houston show.

          aka ladyquilter

          Troutdale, OR
          <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


            Yes, I watched it and thought it was very good. It is especially good for non-quilters since the documentary is not boring and they can get a sense of the quilting scene. The old-timers vs. machine quilters argument is old news for us, but not for non-quilters. In fact I had a hoot listening to the opinions of some of the ultra traditional quilting ladies!


              Originally posted by ferret
              I think there are quite a few longarmers on here, there is a section of the forum just for us.

              Yeah, but we don't use it very often. I wonder why? I belong to a couple of LA lists on Yahoo and they're constantly posting. Let's give it a shot here, shall we?

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                I watched it again on Tuesday with my guild. What a difference seeing it with a group instead of by myself! These ladies run the gamut from very traditional to very "artsy" so they reacted to different parts. It was really interesting.

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ




                    I watched it, and enjoyed every minute of it. Paducah is on my bucket list!

                    I am grateful that in my guild, and certainly at the International Quilt Study Center &amp; Museum here in Lincoln, NE, art quilts and traditional quilts (and their makers) coexist peaceably and respect one another. We each have personal preferences. I am not now, nor will I ever be an artist using fabric as my medium. I love fabric. I love color and design. And I love the process of making quilts, including hand applique and English paper piecing. I also enjoy the companionship of my quilting buddies.

                    I believe the quilting pendulum had swung too far away from traditional quilting for awhile. And in my experience, it has been the art quilters, NOT the traditional quilters, who tended to be snobbish sometimes to the point of ridicule of traditional quilters. The movie portrayed the traditional quilters as OLD snobs, but didn't fully capture the snobbishness and elitism that is sometimes present in the art quilting community. It's a two-way street.

                    I, for one, was happy to see some beautifully-executed traditional quilts (including Nancy Kerns' incredible Mary Simon Baltimore Album quilt which got only a quick glimpse in the movie) win some top awards in 2010. And I am happy to see hand applique and hand embroidery making something of a comeback in the larger quilting community. The Best of Show quilt was traditional in appearance (from a distance), but not "traditional" in its construction. Grandma's quilts didn't have see-through borders.


                      I wanted DH Mike to watch it but couldn't pin him down. My guild bought it for our library so I'll borrow it and sit on him till he watches. :twisted:

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        I really enjoyed this film &amp; will purchase one for my home library &amp; one for my Guild. Attending one of the big National shows is on my bucket list so it was fascinating for me to see the depth of competition &amp; the size of the venues. Bravo to all involved.


                          Eileen, you could always invite a handful of TQS friends around to help you holding your DH down.

                          The alternative: Cook him his favourite meal, sit him down with that and his favourite drink, tell him he is gorgeous and when his defenses are down, start the video!
                          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                            Our entire quilt guild will watch it together in January. Sounds like a fun night, and a great choice when potential speakers could experience weather related travel delays.


                              I wish they would make Stitched 2.

                              "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                              Betty Jo


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