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Have you watched Stitched?

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    I ordered Stitched the very day it was featured on this website and it arrived in the mail 2 days later. It has special meaning for me because my first "major" quilt show was Houston 2010, which I shared with my sisters. I loved the video, and I have shared it with others, who also loved it.

    I especially enjoyed seeing Hollis' quilt, which was SOOOO breathtaking in person, and loved the interviews with all the big name quilters. Maybe someday movie makers will figure out a way to make the lives of us more traditional / ordinary quilters more interesting, but I really enjoyed following these 3 on their paths to Houston.

    No book is interesting without conflict, and I think the tension between art quilters and traditional quilters was inserted for this purpose. Certainly, the big name quilters they followed in the movie were not so competitive with one another that they could have provided the tension.

    Too bad they did not show more of the Baltimore Album quilts displayed in Houston because they were outstanding.

    If you can't get to a big quilt show, this is your peek inside. But know that it is only a peek because Houston (and, I imagine, Paducah) is so incredibly overwhelming in scale.



      I finally watched the movie yesterday. I got goosebumps on my arms, looking at Hollis' quilt(s). I enjoyed the movie and I plan to watch it again. While I watched the movie, comments made by some of the traditional quilters reminded me of people that I have encountered, both quilters and NON-quilters (who are very opinionated about what IS/IS NOT a "real" quilt.)

      When I read the negative comments on this thread, I decided to check out the website of the filmmakers to learn more about their background and perhaps understand their perspective for the film. They live in Houston, Texas and they are two journalists and a photographer who do not quilt. They originally got the idea to make the film in 2005 after quilters descended upon Houston, even after the storm damage. Obviously they did not get started on the film then. It took them more than 18 months to make the film.

      Regarding the criticism in the movie, I like to carry a copy of The Quilt Life with me (to appointments.) It is a positive magazine that showcases the diversity of quilters. I especially like to show MEN that MEN do quilt!


        yes, watched it twice!
        Thank you for presenting us with the opportunity to see Stitched! It allowed me to learn more about the Houston Show (having only heard about it), learn more about the process of some of what goes into entering a show of that size and how the winners are chosen! I understand better why, when I go to shows, the winner of that show doesn't always appear to be the BEST ( in my opinion)! It really is based on opinions of a few judges.
        I love that TQS encourages us to create quilts the way we see it in our minds eye, barring the rules and quilt police! This movie helped me understand the conflict that is out there in the quilt world between the different groups.


          I really enjoyed 'Stitched" - the artists studios are wonderful and it was good to hear them talking about their quilts. I visited the Houston show in 1993, the film reminded me how BIG the show is. I would have liked to see more close-ups of the quilting, overall the movie was very enjoyable. (even caught a fleeting glimpse of Ricky)


            Loved your post, Diane, and I totally agree. I thought Stitched was fascinating. BTW the baby in your profile picture is so-o-o adorable!

            in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


              I just finished watching it the whole way through and I absolutely loved it! There will always be differences of opinion but that's what makes us all who we are, right? I've loved Caryl's and Hollis' work for many years and I want to know more about Randall.
              I would swear that the living room the hand quilters were sitting in, the one with the fireplace, was Sue Garman's. I'm probably wrong but it sure looked like it.

              Thanks to ARJJ for giving us this wonderful gift. Now I''m even more excited and impatient to get to Festival. It can't come fast enough for me!!!

              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                I just now watched "Stitched". I was blown away by the kindness of Caryl, Hollis and Randall. They are competitors but you would not know it. They were generous, supportive and encouraging to each other. What a nice way to live your life. I read all 50 posts on this topic over the past week and was expecting CONTROVERSY. So they mentioned a couple of times there are art quilters and traditional quilters...and you know what? There are!
                This will be mt first time at Houston and I can't wait. I am so happy to be able to go and can't wait to meet everyone. I think this movie proves quilters are a great group of people.

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Yes, just finished watching "Stitched". It started out slow and I thought I wasn't going to like it, but then it really got interesting with the controversial art quits. I guess I didn't realize that quilting could be so controversial. A quilt is three layers a front, a back and a filling. How the front, back and the filling are done be it traditional or an art quilt is up to that person's own creative process. (Now that I wrote that I remember the counterpane quilts. Hey another controversial quilt category.)

                  I did think that the traditional quilters were portrayed as a bite narrow minded.


                    Originally posted by dagmar.eu
                    First of all: Thank You very much TQS for this opportunity to watch "Stitched"
                    For somebody who will never get the opportunity to go to Houston or Paducah or any really big show or take classes from well known quilters this was a rare chance to get to not only glimpse what a huge show is like but to get to know a little about 3 of the entries and the artists behind them was very interesting. Marianne in Belgium

                    Please never say "never". If you really want to go, you can make it happen. I've not been to Houston yet, but it is on my "To Do" list. I have been to Paducah, once, and had so much fun that I planned to go back this year. My tickets were bought and hotel suite reserved, but the floods required my hotel to close. So, since I didn't make it to Paducah this year, I might now try to get to Houston.

                    I too enjoyed the film, "Stitched", particularly since I've never been to the Houston show and was unaware of how the quilt judging process works. My favorite part was when Sharon Schamburg talked about being a quilting savant and mentioned her condition that causes all of her senses to fuse, such that she smells color. After seeing some of her quilts up close and personal, I knew that Sharon was superhuman. It was very interesting to me to get a peep into the personal lives of these three quilters, to better understand and appreciate their artwork. During the segments on Caryl Bryer Fallert, I couldn't help but think about Faith Ringgold, who I had an opportunity to meet at one of her quilt exhibits and lectures.

                    To allow others an opportunity to win, it seems to me that after winning in a particular category in a given quilt show, a quilter should not be allowed to repeatedly enter in that same category . Personally, I have no interest in participating in a quilting competition. However, for those who do, it's probably very intimidating to know that they might be competing against three time award winners.


                      Nancy, I sure hope you can make it to Houston. You will have a grand time.


                        It took me all week; but I finally watched all of "Stitched" and I enjoyed every minute of it. I'm glad that there are different opinions/techniques out in the quilting world. How boring it would be if we only quilted one way!


                          Originally posted by Keith
                          Oh dear - now I have two more things to do: 1) I have to watch this movie. 2) I have to make sure that Sequana never sees me naked. :shock:
                          First of all, I am literally LOL at Keith's remark!!! :lol: and I loved the movie! I ordered the DVD before it was even finished because I saw the film crew in Houston and knew whatever they were doing was going to be interesting. I was sitting behind Sharon Shamber at the awards ceremony, so it brings back major goosebumps for me to watch the film. I was also fascinated to see the judging process. I think anyone who is into quilting would enjoy this movie. And if you are on the fence about going to Houston, this film answers the question....GO!!!
                          Back to Quilting!


                            I don't know what Keith is so worried about..... Any bulges can be ironed out, and any imperfections can be embellished and turned into drop-dead-gorgeous design features. So, Keith, go on, come out of your cupboard and live on the edge!
                            From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                              Originally posted by Lorchen
                              I don't know what Keith is so worried about..... Any bulges can be ironed out, and any imperfections can be embellished and turned into drop-dead-gorgeous design features. So, Keith, go on, come out of your cupboard and live on the edge!
                              This is getting better and better with each post! 8) I'm lovin' it all! :mrgreen: C'mon fellas, we know you're out there...Keith was brave enough to get the ball rolling for you guys...so get involved with the fun! What do you think about "Stitched"? :lol:
                              From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                                Let's see... um, the gym... or the hot glue gun and some paint sticks... ??? :lol: Next thing, Lorchen, you're going to tell me to wear purple with a red hat. (BTW - I've missed you. How's Sherwood?)

                                Perhaps Robin Hood could come fix our economy...


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