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  • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
    They know about it and the tech people are working on it.
  • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
    October 9 still no photos — fyi
  • MONTH 9 — Ask Questions Here
    We must be up to the same point of constructing the quilt because I have the same question. However looking closely at the...
  • Sew a Long Using Quick and Easy Block Tool
    Here is the link to Alex’s Classroom. Scroll down to find the Kaffe Mystery Quilt:

  • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
    I will let the powers that be know about this, thanks.
  • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
    Yes, I was Live October 4. The link hasn’t been updated yet. Here is the video:
  • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
    No pictures of progress or finished quilts are appearing at all. Where the pictures should be, there are small boxes with...
  • Sew a Long Using Quick and Easy Block Tool
    I'm looking for the tutorial program Alex taught using the Easy Block Tool. I never finished the quilt and would like to....
  • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
    I don’t see the facebook live video for month 10 posted on the website. I thought you were live yesterday.
  • Yes. It will be ready in a few weeks I suspect.
  • Not a “Bot”
    Submit a Ticket under HELP, below.
  • MONTH 9 — Ask Questions Here
    No photos are visible. Probably too large, resize smaller and try again.
  • MONTH 9 — Ask Questions Here
    I’m struggling to transfer the appliqué designs so this is what I have been using. Keep your fingers crossed when put...
  • At the end of the year, December, will you have the 12 pattern months available in one download?
  • Not a “Bot”
    I am signed in but can’t watch any of the shows. The screen directs me to sign in to prove I am not a “bot”. I can’t...
  • Bright Star Quilt Kit fabric question
    I LOVE the fabrics selected for the Bright Star Quilt kit, but alas, all of the kits are now purchased. Is there any way...
  • MONTH 9 — Ask Questions Here
    Thank your for letting me know!
  • MONTH 9 — Ask Questions Here
    All the pattern pieces are now available. I chose to provide the background shape for the outer Fan border in Month 2. It...
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  • Great new way to see all the photos!
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  • Color My World Pattern - Download Heads Up
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  • Color my world — your finish here
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  • Quilt is complete. Fun!
  • One World — This is Brilliant!
    Sunday Sew and Sews met today. Pam R. came up with a brilliant way to make One World—she used striped fabric!...
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    It's Saturday!

    Hi everyone! Another weekend and ice is coming today, then snow again tonight. They are calling for a "big one" on Thursday. Guess I'll be watching to see what that storm does.
    Had 2 days off this past week with the last storm so I stayed busy doing what else? Sewing! I put a panel together and finished it and also started on a large flannel snowman panel that I added lots of borders to make it larger. I'll either try to lay it out on the table to layer it or wait until later in the week to take to church and use their tables. If it doesn't fit on the table here, I'll pull out another UFO to work on.
    Odie finally got to Oklahoma on Thursday night. Left N. Carolina on Tuesday at o'dark thirty (3 AM) and had 2 flights to get to Dallas, had 2 flights cancelled out of Dallas so spent 2 nights in a hotel room. The poor kid is sick with bronchitis and they wouldn't let him go to medical cause his luggage was lost - no uniforms. Hope they find it by Monday, he really needs to go see the docs again.

    Well, guess I'll get my day moving here. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


    We've had a bit of freezing drizzle with milder temperatures. Now we're on the downward trend to hit below seasonal temps again.

    Yesterday I finally made it back to the sewing machine and one of my many HST projects. I need to piece the backing for another and I really should quilt some runners to get a feeling of accomplishment. Maybe I can get a few done and binding sewn on before Friday when Vern has surgery and an estimated two weeks in hospital. Then I can hand stitch the binding when I visit/watch him sleep. During the evenings I am back to hand piecing.


      Love the panel, TJ! Is there a a name for this one? Are there websites that sell only panels, or would I do a search on each site? I've never bought just a panel but it sounds so fast and easy. I do hope Odie gets to see the base doctor soon ~ bronchitis will really tire him out without some sort of treatment.

      Agnes, will be offering prayers for Vern starting Friday, and for you......it takes a lot out of the caregiver as well! BTW, your tip worked well and I've made several of my Birthday Swap blocks with excellent results.

      Freezing drizzle here too; more snow Tues and again on Thurs. I just want it to end! DS has been on and off ladders all day, clearing snow from our roofs and ice from the gutters before the rain/sleet makes it even heavier. There have been 80+ caved roofs in our town and surrounding towns during the past week. Very scary.
      Last night I finished knitting a pretty prayer shawl for my DMIL out in OH but I can't get out to the P.O. to mail it. Hopefully can pick up dog food and mail it on Monday.

      I wonder, is anyone doing the Planet Patchwork Superbowl Mystery quilt tomorrow??


        Good afternoon, everyone.
        Agnes, glad you have something to work on while Vern is recovering. Hope all goes well for his surgery. Will be praying for you both.
        TJ - cute wallhanging! Very cute!
        Georgia - I have enough UFO'S - I dont' dare take on a Super Bowl quilt. :wink: Good luck to you, though!

        I am feeling lazy and unmotivated even though I have ONE border to go on this Thimbleberries quilt. Go figure. House is kind of a mess so I am torn on which to do - continue sewing like I did all morning or stop and clean and then sew some more? I would like to have it done so I can tie it tomorrow during the game at our friends' house. Guess I better make a decision and go with it like I tell my DH.



          Hi all,

          Hope your Saturday has been fine so far. Mine has. It was a rainy cold day here in Northern VA, and I have been in my studio most of the day stitching around the broiderie perse flower applique on my Geisha quilt. It is taking for-e-ver! I decided to go with a double blanket stitch, and the flowers are little, but I made the decision after hours of samples to see what I liked. I reduced the size to 1.5 width x 1.5 length and am using silk 100 wt. It seems to me to be coming out pretty nice, but I still have a lot to go....tons of flowers in this quilt (Hoffman Challenge 2011, showing the back of a Geisha sitting on a tatami mat arranging flowers). They are so little and this requires so much twisting and turning. But I think I am about half done. I have no idea how I'm going to quilt it though--and there's the problem. My quilting is my weakest point, but I will keep on trying. Have fun the rest of the weekend. I put in a picture of some of the broiderie perse.

          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
          Betty Jo


            Kathy--I vote for the sewing so that you can tie it tomorrow. It also puts off the housecleaning a little longer before it needs it again.

            After being horizontal for half the afternoon I made the decision to take the easy way out on piecing the backing. I'm off to sew the one seam required and then I change the machine over for the quilting run. I got a couple of rows together on the piecing project so it is hanging on the design board with the hopes that it will inspire me to keep at these projects.


            "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
            Betty Jo


              The information on the strip for the panel says Troy on one end of it and then Corporation (so I'm assuming it's Troy Corporation). Riverside Collection. My Winter Garden by Pearl Krush & Julie Weaver. If I remember right, I think I bought it at The Hayloft in Morgantown, PA.
              Lots of stores sell panels. I've even gotten some off e-bay, just search for quilt panels. What's nice is you can do as much or as little quilting on it - whatever you want. And, you can add extra blocks or borders to enlarge it or some of them, you can cut up and rearrange the designs.

              I think they are fast and fun.


              "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
              Betty Jo


                Thanks so much, TJ. After the dishes are done, the kitchen cleaned up, the dog out, I'm free all evening to just surf around for panels. That is a nice thing about panels, as much quilting as you like. I don't remember seeing any when shopping Lancaster, but then I wasn't really looking for one.
                Lazy day here today.....no sewing....nervously watched my DS up on my 2nd story roof, clearing snow and ice most of the day. I'll sew tomorrow as we have no plans other than to watch the game at home.

                "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                Betty Jo


                  Good evening all! Holy Fog Batman - boy it's been thick here all day - which I discovered when we were on the way to VIP at the lqs this morning. This mostly showcases new products and upcoming classes and such. It's all fun to see, but best of all is show & tell from everyone there. Love that! We lunched & chatted for a long time, then decided to stop at another lqs which was on the way home. I found a focus fabric that was just what I'm looking for for ds/ddil2b's wedding quilt. Of course there was only 2 fq's left and what was in a couple of kits. I got the fq's, some back up fabric just in case and several other coordinating fq's for the center blocks. I searched when I got home and found that fabric online, so ordered it! YAY!! I'm so excited! I also picked up a really cute little valentine's pillowcase kit for dd2. She's been so stressed out at college with her job at the school newspaper and I hope this will perk her up. I plan to get that put together tonite, then bake cookies in the morning so they call all be mailed Monday. Guess I have to do laundry yet this weekend, start on taxes and catch up the Money program. I do plan on finishing up a couple of projects that are really close, so they're out of the way before I start on the wedding quilt. Now to figure out what to do for dd/dsil2b's wedding quilt!

                  "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                  Betty Jo


                    I guess it is still Saturday, and here I am, finally! Took a while to get signed in and then find this place. Had help from some nice techie so I could get here. Unfortunately, still not sewing - just started a mystery, but not the quilting kind. Yes, still stuck with the 2 needles. But, my mind is beginning to wander over to sewing. Maybe checking out this site might help to inspire me to get back to the machine. Which reminds me, think the machine needs a service - it doesn't always work when it's supposed to.

                    Anyway, so nice to see this group up and running - entering the playground and seeing everyone's name makes me think of the old group. Is there a UFO list somewhere? I copied over my list from last year. Even managed to get 1 crossed off the list.

                    Gotta book-mark this site so I can remember how to get here - hope you all have a great rest of the weekend (go Pittsburgh, go!)


                    "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                    Betty Jo


                      Tasha--Good to see that you found us here. I didn't come on till a week ago. So far I haven't noticed anyone mention the UFO list. I hadn't given it a thought that it isn't here. The thing I'd been wondering about was whether anyone would like to see the monthly finishes thread continued. That was something I took upon myself on QYW after I had tried to work with the UFO list for those interested. January was a bust between Vern's health issues and me taking over his church treasurer's book keeping position. I have just nicely got back to quilting so the monthly finishes have just been a thought, With what's ahead for me I would suggest that there be no dedicated person to start the thread but whoever has the first show and tell, just like the daily thread.

                      Agnes (QYW quilt garden)

                      "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                      Betty Jo


                        Agnes , Tasha
                        Good to see you made your way over here. A little strange feeling at first but all new things are and the folks over here make the transition so much easier. Just ask and you'll get help from everywhere. Sound familiar...lol.

                        Haven't been around past couple of weeks , things have gotten bad down here so kids along with grandbabies have made a midnight move to granny and papa's to help us out. We've been fighting SSDI for Terry for over a year now and they finally have set a court date. Yippee . for what so they can come up with another reason to say no and drag it out another 60 days. I try to be a polite person although some that know me say I work HARD at it ,but honestly have about run out of patience . Thankfully the little ones keep me in my place. We have an "angry" word jar (cursing not permitted period) so if nanny doesn't chill out soon she'll be paying for college tuitions in 10-15 yrs.lol Nice thing about having Christiy back in the home is she loves to cook , not my thing, and she's a clean "person" can you see my huge smile.
                        Despite all the nice benefits it would be nice to be independent again and am sure it will happen eventually. Right now I'm just thankful to God that our kids were willing to walk away from there lives to come make a life with us. They call it pay back from when we help them I call it unconditional love.
                        What a wonderful Valentines gift of love.
                        L and H

                        "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                        Betty Jo


                          Cathy, sounds like a perfect solution for everyone. I hope it works out. I'm adding my prayers that Terry gets his SSDI soon. My oldest and ddil are still fighting for her Long Term Disability. Although the first check, if they get it, will be a whopper because they have to pay her back to the point that they stopped paying her. It is a shame that we pay and pay for these benefits and then we have to fight and fight to get what is coming to us. And, you realize that in most cases you eventually get what is due you but you can lose everything you own while waiting. Nothing like adding to the stress of the situation and as we know stress makes any condition worse. Hang in there and remember with the new living conditions you will have some adjustments to make and might have to bite your tongue. Mine is still sore.

                          Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day. It is a bit chilly to stay outside in short sleeves but it is a beautiful sunshiny day. Gizzy is able to come to work with me for the whole day for the next couple of weeks so I get a dose of unconditional love on a regular basis. (Especially if I go to eat something, he has supersonic hearing if I touch anything that needs opening.) Right now he is in the conference room looking out the big window (floor to ceiling) and watching the people go by and trying to get their attention. Now my new favorite thing to do with him is play with his football, he has learned which way I am going to kick it by which side of the football my foot is on. When I change sides he runs to the other side. It really gives me a good laugh to see him guarding the kick. Aren't fur babies the best?


                          "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
                          Betty Jo


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                          • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
                            They know about it and the tech people are working on it.
                          • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
                            October 9 still no photos — fyi
                          • MONTH 9 — Ask Questions Here
                            We must be up to the same point of constructing the quilt because I have the same question. However looking closely at the...
                          • Sew a Long Using Quick and Easy Block Tool
                            Here is the link to Alex’s Classroom. Scroll down to find the Kaffe Mystery Quilt:

                          • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
                            I will let the powers that be know about this, thanks.
                          • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
                            Yes, I was Live October 4. The link hasn’t been updated yet. Here is the video:
                          • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
                            No pictures of progress or finished quilts are appearing at all. Where the pictures should be, there are small boxes with...
                          • Sew a Long Using Quick and Easy Block Tool
                            I'm looking for the tutorial program Alex taught using the Easy Block Tool. I never finished the quilt and would like to....
                          • MONTH 10 BLOG is UP
                            I don’t see the facebook live video for month 10 posted on the website. I thought you were live yesterday.
                          • Yes. It will be ready in a few weeks I suspect.
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                          • MONTH 9 — Ask Questions Here
                            No photos are visible. Probably too large, resize smaller and try again.
                          • MONTH 9 — Ask Questions Here
                            I’m struggling to transfer the appliqué designs so this is what I have been using. Keep your fingers crossed when put...
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