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Alternative Ideas for your Half Square Triangles

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    Alternative Ideas for your Half Square Triangles

    It's been 6 years since the Half Square Triangle exchange. Do you still have your baggie full of HSTs? Do they still haunt your "I've got to do something with them" thoughts? Have you used some, but still have a few more left over.

    Let me offer an additional set of thoughts. We all had a great time making them, following along the process and receiving and looking at all the names. Let's just hang on to that moment. And honor just the part of the joy of being a part of something.

    Hang in there with me, I am actually getting somewhere with this. I'm trying to trim down my UFOs and projects started and not completed piles. But do this in a way that encourages me to continue it with joy and not dread. I thought, why not display the HSTs and be able to look at them with a smile on my face. My Mom has only used a small amount. I made a bigger dent on mine, but still have some left over. I purchased a tall clear container and put the HSTs of my Mom's and mine into it. Put that sucker on the counter so that I can see it an enjoy the experience that it was. If I ever decided to use them, I know exactly where they are.

    A few years ago when I was going through a tough patch I received a lot of quilted hearts. I put these into a glass container so that I could smile at all the warm thoughts that went into them. Why not just enjoy the experience we all had from the exchange. No regrets!

    What other ways can you display your HSTs? Share your displays.

    Clara Lawrence

    I used up most of mine in a quilt, the rest my Mom used... I got out the quilt two weeks ago to use in a quilting class, it was an emotional experience looking at the quilt and remembering the exchange. I quilted the names of everyone whose HST's I received into the quilt. I like your idea of keeping the triangles out where you can see them. And I do remember how much work it was for you to coordinate and do this exchange! Thank you again.


      I wasn't able to participate in the triangle exchange because I was traveling. I have really regretted missing out. However, I love your idea of enjoying the camaraderie, memories and friendships made, by the simple act of accepting the triangles, displaying them and enjoying them! Bravo!



        Hard to believe it has been 6 years ! I love the quilt I made with mine and see it every day ...on the antique rocker !
        I regret 2 things related to the exchange...that the photo record disappeared when the website changed and the
        "book" that was promised (we sent her many photos!) never happened ! Too bad.... Otherwise a wonderful experience.


          I love your idea of displaying the HSTs. We all worked hard on them!. I agree that it is sad that that the record of them is gone. But the memories are awesome! I love my quilt I made from all the HSTs of the two exchanges.



            I love your idea of displaying the leftover hsts. I have my quilt on the guest bed and see it every day. I love that quilt. Now, I will have to go see what size container I need for the ones I still have. Not a very large one, because I made a queen size quilt. I even saved the paper backing from the hsts. :blush: Wonder what I can do with them. Maybe I can put them in the center of the container to hold the hsts to the outer edge. That way, the hsts will be visible and the papers can be with them.
            Now, I have not finished my spool quilt, or used the strips from the strip exchange. I really need to get busy!!!


              That was such an exciting and meaningful exchange to me. I am now working on using the spools and strips to make a precious quilt. I treasure every little piece of that exchange too. Thanks for the idea of quilting each name on the quilt. I will do that on mine. Such good friends made on this site around the world.


                Don't forget, we always have this memory of the wonderful quilts that were created.




                  Originally posted by "ClaraLawrence" post=139617
                  Don't forget, we always have this memory of the wonderful quilts that were created.


                  People have been asking for the show-and-tell to return for a while now. Glad they brought it back! I wonder if they'll resurrect our blog posts from the past, too. It would be really nice to have that back!!


                    I can't believe it's been 6 years since the exchange. The quilt I made from the HST is hanging on my office wall. I love seeing it. After the exchange I made a ton of HST and they are still sitting there waiting to be used. I think that is something I need to tackle this year.


                      Holy-Moley! Is it really six years hmy: I managed to get all my hst's in one quilt and finished, but it is hiding under lots of stuff on the guest bed :blink:
                      Still need to get on and finish my spools quilt which is currently half quilted and awaiting some hand appliqué work, before it can go back under the machine to finish the quilting though.


                        6 years??!!!! OMG! Time has gone by at the speed of light or even faster!
                        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


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