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    Okay, I will begin a new topic to accommodate the conversation. :wink:

    Gosh, it seems with so many people at the Quilt Show in Houston, we oughta occupy outselves with something to surprise them all when they get back home.

    It seems that a few of my questions etc. are already answered.

    How's this sound? I'd like to put out these ideas, and then we (I) or me and someone else who volunteers... can decide on the final 'rules'. I vote that Rosemary or some other experienced person volunteer to be an assistant.

    The 'final rules will be labelled 'final rules'. Please put out your ideas now. Let's say that we have until November 7th to determine the 'rules' and give people time to think about it and join. Joining could be anytime, as in the mug rug exchange.

    It seems: There is enough initial interest to go ahead with this swap.
    The idea of a standard sized block from/for everyone is 6 inches FINISHED - that means 6 1/2 inches unfinished

    Each person who wants to join decides on which block she will make. First block chosen goes to whoever calls it first. Example, If I say I will make a 4 patch, and I'm the first to say it, then I 'get' to make the four patches for everyone. - I can keep a list of who is making what, so if you join later, you can find out. (Quilter's Cache is a good resource)

    There may be more than one round, but for each round, you only make the block you first picked. Then, make the block you picked second, third etc. It depends on how many want to do this.

    Arrange your own dates and mailing details with the people you want to swap with. (like maybe you want to swap 6 blocks with one gal, because you want what she's making and she wants what you're making) Be clear about which block you are sending, and which block you expect to receive.

    The fabric MUST be either RED or WHITE, the fabric can be tone on tone, or teeny-weeny prints (only red-and-white)or batik, but must read as red or read as white. (how do you like that idea?) Definitely pre-washed. Good quality 100% quilting cotton. Some of you may not like the teeny print idea...let's see about that... :?

    Also, does anyone have anything to say about fabric that is both red and white (only) or white and red(only) - no gold or black etc. ?
    This may end up looking like a red and white Farmer's Wife quilt (Idaho???)
    anything else?

    Depending on how many people want to do this, we could keep going for ever...round after round after round. :P

    Oh, and yes, I pick the four patch @ 6-1/2 inches, so it will be a 6-inch finished block. For the first round. :lol:
    Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland

    Just thought about this: My now DIL had 6 bridesmaids from all over the world for her wedding. To get them 'dressed' she simply told them to wear a warm red skirt of their choosing and a pretty white blouse. It was stunning - the pictures were amazing, and every red went with every red and all the whites were good too.

    Just saying...
    Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


      Terrie, I can't commit to this right now but just thought I would suggest that anybody who does want to do it should specify how many blocks they are prepared to make.

      Also, 6" blocks are very small and it would take 30 blocks to make a 30"x30" quilt. That means having to exchange with 30 individuals unless you want to exchange more than one block with each member. Some of us are not so happy doing tiny blocks (ahem ops: :roll: ) so maybe if you had either a 6" or a 12" block (6 1/2" or 12 1/2" unfinished block) then those who are diminutively challenged could do the bigger one.

      I also think that you will have to keep reminding people to PRE-WASH their fabrics and that it is a RED and WHITE exchange only. As for what constitutes a red fabric, I did my red and white BOM last year and I had a wide variety of fabrics in that including red with white dots, red with white flowers etc and they all look great together. But I think you need to decide on the white - if it's white on white, cream on white etc., that would be fine but if somebody decided to do an off-white or cream background with a white dot for example, while that's lovely in itself it will stick out like a sore thumb if it is the only one in the collection. The white fabric will be the background and those backgrounds need to bind the different reds together so in a way it is more important than the reds.

      That's just my tuppence worth.


        Terrie, I just don't have time to commit to this one but I will certainly follow along and offer encouragement. Don't want to miss any of the fun. I think Rita's suggestion re block size is good.


          Thanks for your input, ladies. I had originally asked if this was even the right timing for such an event, and we`ll see by the responses. 6 inches was mentioned by several, so thought that would be good. I also think a bigger block might work well.

          People will have they`re say, and I`sure someone will come up with a brilliant idea. This may end up just being a swap for a few who exchange rounds of blocks.

          I have also thought about just making the size you want, as many of the R&W blocks have several sizes. Sashing works wonders!
          Depends on what people want.

          Thanks, Rita, for the info on white / cream.

          Lois, I don't think (hope) this doesn't mushroom, and I don't think it will, as people are so busy, but for those who really want a R&W quilt, and enjoy the TQS swaps, it will be fun. I enjoyed watching from the sides on the original CW. Have fun, and don't forget we love your comments!


            I think Rita is right about the size. 12" blocks would require fewer blocks to make and exchange to have enough for a quilt. I also would want my quilt red and "white". Maybe we could have a requirement of a solid or reads as solid white. I have seen some beautiful red & white quilts with various red & white prints for the red. Does any of this make sense?


              YUP. Sounds good. As I lay awake last night, I was also thinking 6 inches is pretty small. We could always make up that size ourselves if we wanted it. I agree with white being white.


                Well....after some thought...sorry, Terrie...I'm going to bow out on this one. I have so many ops: ops: projects to work
                on in the cupboard, it is foolish to take on a large block quilt right now. :roll: :roll: I'll be watching, tho, to see what you
                all come up with !!


                  Thank, Marilyn...it was your post that provoked me to begin this thread... LOL

                  But that's important, though, because we really need to just converse about it first. I am wondering just how many people would be interested. Like you say, we all have a lot of projects.

                  I might even be willing to have one or two gals to swap with, and we could just feed each other the details.

                  We'll see.




                      Another thought would be that the swapped blocks have to come with a border already sewn on either an all red one or 2 sides red & 2 sides white - log cabin style, or red with white corners. This border could be 2"-3" wide and would make it much easier to 'adjust' to fit. If they were all red, then with white sashing & red corner stones it would look part of the sashing pattern as well :wink: 8)


                        Okay! I'm willing to join if others want to play. I am not a lounge lizard or mug rugger, but I am a regular "lurker" and happy TQS member who last participated in a swap here for the Friendship Triangle Exchange and Sensational Stripper group. I have ALWAYS wanted to make a Red/White quilt, and this just might get me going.

                        I certainly could commit to 6 - 6" blocks or 4 - 12" blocks - and could probably be talked into more if necessary. I agree that we would need a LOT of 6" blocks to make a good size quilt, but the little ones are so pretty! In any case, I would prefer to use up some of my Red Stash and go different on each block. I am fine with white (solid or tone/tone) rather than cream, and will happily do sashing or cornerstones or whatever additional choices make sense. My biggest roadblock will be what block to make - once I have decided that I don't think the time commitment will be a problem for me.

                        As a side note - I used some of my Sensational Stripper strips to make the Edyta Star spool quilt - won 1st in a viewer's choice for wall quilts at our local guild show last year (a small, non-juried show, but it still made me happy!). I also made a quilt top with my HSTs from the Friendship exchange, but that is still waiting to be sandwiched, quilted and bound. Someday!


                          Originally posted by LeslieJC
                          As a side note - I used some of my Sensational Stripper strips to make the Edyta Star spool quilt - won 1st in a viewer's choice for wall quilts at our local guild show last year (a small, non-juried show, but it still made me happy!). I also made a quilt top with my HSTs from the Friendship exchange, but that is still waiting to be sandwiched, quilted and bound. Someday!



                            Rosemary, you took the words right out of my mouth. Definitely want to see pictures.


                              Thank you - I will try to get a picture taken in the next few days of the Spools quilt (I am embarrassed that I haven't taken any pictures at all - also no label yet - eek!) I made the quilt top shortly after the Sensational Strippers exchange, then life intervened and we moved, etc etc. I quickly sandwiched, quilted and bound it for last years show. Sometimes I just need a **push**!


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