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The Artist's Way

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    The Artist's Way

    Has anyone here worked with this book? It's by Julia Cameron. It's a 12 week program that is supposed to help unleash your creativity. I got as far as week 5, which is the no reading week. I couldn't go a week without reading-especially here at TQS!!!

    Anyway, did anyone else try this program?


    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ

    Hi Eileen,

    I have heard of this, but have not done-read it. I googled her name and came up with her website where they have a rather large forum and discussions. You might want to see if it is of interest to you.

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      I have read, and reread the book a few times.... and go back often to skim what I've highlighted. :lol: It is excellent, and has been very helpful to me - in my quilting journey as well as life! I first heard of it when Freddy Moran recommended it. There is much to be gleaned from it ; read a bit, ponder a lot. :wink: If you can't get through the "no reading" week, it's okay.....don't chide yourself... and don't give up on the book!! Just take from it what is relevant to you at this time. I feel that it is a great big hug for anyone and everyone. It might be fun to have a discussion group here.
      I also enjoyed her book, "The Vein of Gold"
      Jan in drizzly Spokane

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        I read the book a couple years ago when my son had it for a class in creativity. I don't remember if he thought the class was helpful or not. I remember liking the book and wanting to go through it myself, but he loaned out his copy and did not get it back. Luckily, I found a used (but not written in) copy at the library book sale for $1.00! Now I just need to work that into my schedule.

        If a group of us did it together and had discussion, it sure would help me to stay on track with it!



          Yeah, a group would make it easier. I tried a Yahoo list for it and they were way over my head!

          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            The Yahoo group is starting in 2 weeks. I'd rather do it here if we can.

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              Tell us a little more about it. I'm not familiar with The Artist's Way.


                I've actually attended a weekend workshop on The Artist's Way.

                It's been a very positive experience for me although I will say I have great difficulty and resistance to the daily journaling. Not to the concept-which I think is great!. I just have alot of trouble making myself stop my brain and my day to do it!

                It mostly tries to teach us to slow down, smell the roses, prioritize our lives and our time....and that once we've begun that, we will see all different kind of things in our lives changing. I think it speaks different things to different ones of us, so that is basically what it speaks to me! It might be different for YOU.

                It is a spiritual journey as well as a creative one!


                  I have heard about this book through an art quilters site that I belong to but haven't gotten the book (and don't even know where to find it ) I would be interested in a group that would work on ways to expand your creativity. (not that I need any more projects) but really do want to expand my creativity and my openness (is that a word?) to new ideas. Maybe we can work on something here or if all else fails start our own group on yahoo. Prefer doing it here then we dont have to worry about people outside of TQS seeking membership.

                  Ann trying to be on an ever expanding creative journey


                    as far as the book I'm sure you can get it USED on Amazon for very little. I've had mine since probably the mid-90's I suspect.


                      Hi Ann, I found the book at Hotbooksale.com $5.53 for soft cover or $21.40 for hardcover and free shipping.
                      Wendy praying for rain in Texas


                        I have ordered the book.


                          I have read this book several times, also read the Artist Way at Work which I didnt like as much but it was still a good book. I also have the Artists Way as an audiobook which is read by J. Cameron, its not as easy to follow as the book however.

                          I also usually get stuck around week 5, I couldnt go more than an hour without reading something...so I just skipped that chapter



                            I would like to read this book also-would be great to do it as a group


                              From what very little experience I have had, it seems like we need a person to be the "motor" of the group to keep the group moving along.

                              Could we be more casual than working in "lock-step" through the lessons?

                              It might be helpful to all agree to start on the same week and go from there. Others could join in later.

                              What does everyone think?



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