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MONTH 1 Share Your Progress

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    MONTH 1 Share Your Progress

    Please use this TOPIC to share your progress with Laurel Ridge.

    There is a STICKY TOPIC that explains how to add photos to the Forum. The usual problem is with photos that are too large--the Topic explains how to re-size them smaller so they can be uploaded.
    Last edited by Barbara B.; 12-26-2024, 12:50 PM.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson

    Barbara, I was wondering if you would be willing to post your block photos for the month each month as we get started.
    I know you usually include most on your excellent blog, but I bet TQS members would love to see what you have
    done for the month. I know you work ahead, and it would give everyone a jumping off spot by seeing your work and inspiration to get going on the month. If you don't want to, I understand and will delete this post.
    PS Merry Christmas, and looking forward to a fun 2025.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Sure, I can do that. I will update this post tomorrow to show my blocks

    The pink and blue fabrics are NOT PART OF THE SPRING KIT. I have added a few deeper fabrics from my stash. These are at least 10 years old so not easily found today.

    I have an alternative set of blocks with yet another fabric addition--I will show that on the January 3, 2025 LIVE broadcast.

    NOTE: After posting this photo I see one of the blue blocks is turned incorrectly. We will have to be mindful of that when we start putting the quilt together--many months from now!
    Last edited by Barbara B.; 12-26-2024, 12:56 PM.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


    • commented
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      I’m Glad you are not using kit fabric. I like seeing the variations.

    Month 1 completed.


    • Helen W. commented
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      WOW, You are done with Month 1 and it is not even Jan. yet. Beautiful work. What is your name?
      As the year goes on, it is nice to know everyone. My name is HelenW

    • Lorry0 commented
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      Thanks, yeah havent figured out how to attach a name…. just learning this forum site! Lorry

    • lehab375 commented
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      Wow! Those are nice loking blocks. I haven't even gotten my fabrics out yet. I have been prepping for the Sulky/Sallie Tomato New Year's Eve sew along bag making class so getting that embroidery done is my concern right now. I picked out my own fabrics for this quilt and now I am trying to decide if I picked the right fabrics or if a couple of my color choices are off. I am going to wait until the quilt stores are open again after the first then go in person to find a couple more pieces.


    I figured someone would have finished month one already. lol. I pulled fabrics from my stash, prewashed and pressed everything and I will be ready to start cutting and sewing tomorrow morning. I think this is going to be really fun. I too have a couple of fabric choices I may change but the fabrics for month one are carved in stone.


      Like the pace. First day pulled fabrics. 2nd day cut. Third day worked on the 4 patches. Tomorrow will be the geese. Then putting together the block.


        I didn't get as far as I planned today but I'm pretty happy with what I did get done. Here are the pink blocks and I have the sub-sets done for the blue blocks. I decided to use a dark fabric instead of the parchment pink, so my over all background will be darker. Using my own fabrics obvi!


          I'm using Tilda's Creating Memories fat quarter bundles plus some additional background fabrics. Since most of the fabrics are fat quarters my blocks will be more scrappy. I didn't follow the pattern instructions exactly as I used different piecing methods. I did cut everything oversized including the four patch and corner squares by adding at least 1/8". I didn't trim the bottom edge of the geese until after the block was assembled. I prefer not having to block or use starch.

          Since I have my own rulers made from green fluorescent plastic, I have a 3" square and a 5 1/2" square. I like being able to trim all 4 sides at once without repositioning the ruler. If you aren't using a nonslip ruler, place strips of Hugo's Amazing Tape on the back to help keep it from slipping. I use Grafix Cling Vinyl on my larger rulers that are used mostly for cutting strips or squares. I rarely have any slipping issues. I personally do not like nonslip rulers that have to be lifted to reposition.


          • Barbara B. commented
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            I have been waiting for you! Are you making these smaller or going with 5” blocks?
            Thanks for the tip on Hugo’s Amazing tape—I have that and will try it on the Wing Clipper II ruler.

          • Annis C. commented
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            I considered making it smaller with less blocks but decided I have enough fabric for the full size.

          a photo with the blue colorway. I sprayed all the blocks with Terial Magic and pressed.


            My sister wants a green quilt with Australian flowers. So month 1 completed. We shall see how the fabric choices work as I progress.


            • Barbara B. commented
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              Bright and fun!

            So well done all of you! I absolutely love seeing the different fabrics you are all using in my design. I also like that you are making the quilt your own. There are many different ways to achieve the same result, so use the quilting method that works best for you. Lynn Wilder


              I am terrible at picking out fabrics so I went to my LQS and asked for help - I love the Autumn version and would have bought a kit if one was available. I had some great help with selections and I am almost ready to start cutting and sewing - everything has been heavily starched and is currently drip drying.. As I look at the colors, I may add more teal/turquoise since that is a favorite color of mine (and works well in our Arizona home). I bought extra of almost all the fabrics in case of oopsies or me changing my mind, lol. I hope to show actual sewn blocks in a day or so. I love everyone's blocks so far - this is such a beautiful quilt!


              • Barbara B. commented
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                You have a great palette right there. Good to buy extra so you can make changes as you sew blocks.

              • Lynn W. commented
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                This looks like a perfect color palette match to me, Patricia! Well done by you and your LQS. --Lynn Wilder

              • commented
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                This is fantastic! I did something similar. I try and post mine later. Great job!

              Where do I get a list of the fabric amounts used if I don't have a kit?


              • Barbara B. commented
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                In the Fabric Requirements file on the main page of 2025 BOM. Under LEARN.

              the first 4 are blocked and ready to dry.
              I am using cork boards and made the 5 1/2 inch markings with a pen directly on the board. Hope it doesn't bleed on the fabric. If so I will report


              • Helen W. commented
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                Love the idea of a cork board to block a block. It looks like you used an ink pen. How about a
                thin line permanent sharpie. Blocks look beautiful, don't look like they were off much. Let us know how you like the concept of blocking a block. I have never tried it. HelenW

              • baerbel.sch commented
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                Hi Helen W.,
                I used a regular ball point pen and it worked out well, no bleeding.
                It is the first time I blocked blocks. After piecing they were only a little bit of, so I tried the blocking Lynn suggested. I like the idea.
                This morning I cut the fabrics for the other blocks in the diagonals. Tomorrow I will sew them together.

              Finished this month’s blocks. Slow to enjoy the process and goal is to improve accuracy. I am really paying attention to pressing. As I read Lynn’s story there was talk about a treadle machine. So this year I will do this quilt on my treadle machine. I love the “pure” stitches, relaxing and accurate.
              I am choosing a southwest color theme using my stash. It will be scrappy. I have chosen 4 different colors for these blocks and probably will continue as the BOM continues.
              Now on to other quilt things.
              Happy New Year to all!
              Linda H
              Happy Quilting 


              • Barbara B. commented
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                Lovely blocks!

              • Judith A. commented
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                Beautiful machine. ! I have been sewing more on my Featherweight lately.

              • Helen W. commented
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                The soft colored palette is gorgeous. HelenW

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