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MONTH 1 Ask Questions Here

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    When blocking the block to size correctly, in video did Lynn spray with starch again or with water?


    • Barbara B. commented
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      In the Video she didn’t say, just to saturate the block thoroughly. In the Show she said she saturates it with Best Press after pinning it to the freezer paper on the pressing surface. You could use Starch or Sizing too.

    • Lynn W. commented
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      Dear Gwyneth,
      I thoroughly saturate the quilt block with Best Press when I block the blocks. Thank you for asking.

    From my limited experience with blocking a full quilt top, you spray with water. I would assume it would be the same for the blocks.
    Carole Berry


      Originally posted by lholzhu View Post
      I think it would be helpful to know where these blocks are located within the quilt for those of us doing the scrappy version like myself. I think I have figured it out that they are the first two diagonal blocks on each corner.
      Barbara the blog is great and Lynn your instructions also very good. Love your cabin!
      I did what Barbara said and zoomed the quilt photos and it looks like this is where they go. Could be wrong, so free advice
      means you don't have to take it. HelenW



      • Barbara B. commented
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        Looks about right to me. If you want to put them in another position 11 months from now when you finish the rest of these blocks you can. These 8 are part of the 52 of them we will make eventually.

      • Rebecca F. commented
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        now i'm confused, I'm pretty sure Lynn said on Sunday's Quilt show that in month one we were working on the center of the quilt..

      • Sharon F. commented
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        Thanks Helen. Very helpful.

      Once again, I’m struggling with fabric selection. Are these the correct fabrics for month 1?
      A-B Autumn Ridge Gold
      A-B Copper Trail Melon
      C Golden Tiles Gold
      D-E Parchment Blue
      it would be very helpful to have a fabric list for each month. At this point I’m insecure about running out of kit fabric
      thanks for your help
      Susan Skeel
      Des Moines Iowa


      • Barbara B. commented
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        The full color photos in the monthly pattern of each fabric in the Kit allow you to know which fabric is used that month. Maybe you should identify each fabric in the Kit using the Fabric Requirements information to make it easier for you each month.

      Originally posted by sewskeel View Post
      Once again, I’m struggling with fabric selection. Are these the correct fabrics for month 1?
      A-B Autumn Ridge Gold
      A-B Copper Trail Melon
      C Golden Tiles Gold
      D-E Parchment Blue
      it would be very helpful to have a fabric list for each month. At this point I’m insecure about running out of kit fabric
      thanks for your help
      Yes, Susan, I think you have it correct. I took a screen shot and it looks like you identified them correctly. HelenW



        Barbara, I have a suggestion for your web master, reverse comments so latest is at the top. As questions come in it will cause endless scolling to see the latest question. Just a suggestion! Lorry


        • Barbara B. commented
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          You can do this yourself. Use the LATEST ACTIVITY button at the top of each TOPIC to see the posts from newest on to oldest. In your profile you can set this up as the DEFAULT way you want to see messages on the FORUM.

          Get to your Profile Sidebar by clicking on the little people silhouettes by your photo/name on the Forum. EDIT SETTINGS/USER SETTINGS/ACCOUNT. Scroll to find the option to see posts by LATEST ACTIVITY. SAVE and you are all set to see the newest posts first.
          Last edited by Barbara B.; 12-30-2024, 01:42 PM.

        • Lorry0 commented
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          Thanks Barbara, it actually worked!

        Helen, how did you attach your name to your profile instead of having an simply Star Member??? Lorry


          Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
          Helen, how did you attach your name to your profile instead of having an simply Star Member??? Lorry
          Lorry, After you have signed in, click on Dashboard, then click on profile, avatar is to upload a photo of what you
          want for the little picture, and signature is to put your name on it. HelenW



          • Lorry0 commented
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            Thanks, but I did that and my posts still show the gray ghost!

          • commented
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            I am also having trouble getting name and avatar to show. I followed above instructions but it still did not work

          I am trying to download the pattern but it keeps telling me I need to login and I am logged in. What am I doing wrong? Thank you!


          • lehab375 commented
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            I frequently have to click log out, then log in again. Until I see the welcome my name part show up, I have to continue the log out log in dance. The most times it has ever taken for me so far is 4. Most of the time it seems to be twice. And frequently, I'm logged in but have lost the ability to post without doing the log out log in again. I don't know why I have so much trouble staying logged in on only this site. I just have to deal with it.


          I am trying to download the pattern but it keeps telling me I need to login and I am logged in. What am I doing wrong?

          I was able to download the Introduction Page?


          • Barbara B. commented
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            I usually have to log in twice. You will know you are logged in when it says “Welcome Lauri” at the top of the page and on the left in the Forum. If you still can’t get logged in send a message to [email protected]

          • Barbara B. commented
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            The Introduction page is not limited to Star Members, anyone can access it. The patterns are for Star Members only so you have to be logged in. If it doesn’t say Welcome Lauri” you aren’t logged in.
            If you can’t log in please contact [email protected]

          Like Sewskil, I am having difficulty discerning between the fabrics in the pictures.My choices are
          A-B Autumn Ridge, Gold
          A-B Autumn Ridge, Pink....But the Month #1 fabric sheet identifies the color as Orange not Pink.

          Sewskil has identified the fabric as Copper Trail melon.
          Which should it be Autum Ridge, Pink ? or Copper Trail melon?


          • Barbara B. commented
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            Copper trail melon. I suggest you label each fabric in the kit from the Fabric Requirements file then match those exact photos to the photos provided each month.
            Do not try to see the tiny fabric images on the mock up photo of the quilt. Match the fabric images in the monthly pattern to the actual fabric, they are an exact match.

          I'm confused, in Lynn's directions for strip E she has you cut the strips 2 !/4". In your blog you say you cut the strips larger to make it easier at 41/2 or even larger at 4 3/4". Am I missing something?


          • Barbara B. commented
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            Yes. I cut ONE 4.5” square instead of FOUR 2.25” squares. On the blog I show how I draw a pencil line on both diagonals, then cut the large square into FOUR small squares, with the pencil lines perfectly drawn on the diagonals. Note: I now cut the large square 4.75” because I want the small squares to be 2 3/8” instead of 2 1/4”

          Barbara, in your video you mentioned telling us how to make a smaller quilt. When will you let us know about this. It looks like some of this month’s blocks are near the edge.
          Linda Lee
          Riverview, Florida


          • Barbara B. commented
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            This month we make 8 Four Patch in a Star block--there are 52 in the entire quilt. A little later this month I will calculate two smaller versions, 50" square and 60" square. Both will use the 8 blockjs made in Month 1 along with more of them.
            The main difference will be if you want no applique blocks or just a few, or want to substitute pieced blocks for all the applique. The applique starts in Month 2.
            The middle of the quilt remains the same.

          Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
          now i'm confused, I'm pretty sure Lynn said on Sunday's Quilt show that in month one we were working on the center of the quilt..
          On the Show, which was taped in August 2024, Lynn did say we would start with the middle. When she wrote the patterns she changed things and now we start with Four Patch in a Star blocks.

          There should be no confusion. Each month's pattern tells us exactly what to do that month.
          Barbara Black
          Huntsville AL
          "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


            Barbara and Lynn...could you please discuss how you are starching your fabric...all of the yardage at one time or cut a little larger and starch as you go...also Lynn...what is a fabric folding pen or water pen that you mentioned...what brand and where to find one...Looking forward to this quilt...it will be a challenge for me because I usually don't sew with such small pieces. Thank you for your responses.


            • commented
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              Hi Lynn, Keen to know if material supplied in kit allows for shrinkage that occurs when using starch

            • Lynn W. commented
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              The fabric folding pen is made by Clover. It comes with a little bottle of adhesive which I immediately throw away. I fill the pen with Best Press and use this when I applique. Also, to make the seams flat, I run the foam tip over the over the thread in the stitching line and that helps to keep the seams flat. I starch large, 'hunks' of fabrics at a time, then it's done. Let the fabric dry completely prior to ironing. This is a good time to invest in a wooden dryer. I used TerialMagic for my applique backgrounds to prevent fraying while stitching. With that product, you want to thoroughly saturate the fibers, then press it in 10 minutes. I hope this response helps. Lynn

            • commented
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              Thank you so much for your responses...

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