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    FABRIC REQUIREMENTS are now posted


    Find Fabric Requirements for BOTH fabric versions of Laurel Ridge are now on the BOM page. Amounts are different for each color way because there are different numbers of fabrics in the two kits. Overall, they are about the same total yardage.
    Last edited by Barbara B.; 12-29-2024, 11:54 AM.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson

    I bought the Spring Laurel Ridge kit. Love the fabric! I would like to get more of the floral border fabric so I can increase the border width. I like a deeper drop on my bed quilts. Will it be available and if so, when?


    • Barbara B. commented
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      There is no plan to sell yardage from the Quilt Show store. I am certain many shops will offer it. Keep checking online to find sources. Since it has just been announced shops have not had time to order and receive it yet. Give it a few weeks at least.

    • Susan D. commented
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      I am deciding and cutting my border first to take advantage of the length of fabric. Making mine six inches wide.

    • Sandy R. commented
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      Try hancocks.of.Paducah. they have the entire line of fabrics.

    Hello Barbara regarding the granddaughter quilt with the green check is the fabric requirements an error in yardage of 1.5 yards as it does not look that much fabric in the photo, just thought to check.

    Taree NSW - Australia
    My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


    • Barbara B. commented
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      I don’t have the pattern yet so I can’t check. You are right, there doesn’t seem to be that much green check there. Perhaps Lynn will give some insight. I will check with her.

    • Lynn W. commented
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      Hello All,
      Thank you for your questions. I used the green gingham as the binding, so the fabric requirement is larger.
      Lynn Wilder from Sew'n Wild Oaks

    • Helen W. commented
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      Jill, I was thinking same as you since the (12) 5.5 inch blocks would only have needed 3/8 yard.
      Since the binding does not show in the picture there was no way of knowing. Thank you Lynn
      for being so responsive to the forum. I don't ever remember a designer of the BOM doing that.
      You are the best!! HelenW

    Thank you so much for posting the fabric requirements sooner rather than later. I really debated buying a kit, but I'd like to find my own fabrics for this quilt. I may figure out that was a mistake soon, but I hope not.



    • Helen W. commented
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      Linda, One way to find fabrics you like if you are picking your own color palette is to go to the manufacturers
      and look at collections. You just type the name like Marcus Fabrics in the google search and the
      website will have all the collections and designers and examples in Lookbooks of the fabrics and
      quilts made up from them. Do you like reproduction, batiks, or any general type of fabrics. I have
      been using Bonnie Sullivans Woolie flannels for several of the TQS BOM's. I have a feeling that
      this BOM would be too small of pieces for the flannel. HelenW

    Will there be a coloring sheet that we might tweak some colors?


    • Barbara B. commented
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      If someone makes one. I have a few friends playing with alternative ideas, I will see if they have an “original” layout made.

    • Helen W. commented
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      Barbara, Somewhere on Lynn Wilder's blog I read that she uses EQ8 to do a lot of her designing of
      quilt patterns. There is a good chance she could give you a coloring page very easily. HelenW

    I prewash fabrics, as Alex does. I have had trouble that with shrinkage that there is not enough yardage to complete the quilt after washing other kits. Is there extra fabric, especially with the larger piece?


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Do you pre-wash with cold water? Most manufacturers recommend that. Our kits usually have a bit extra but I can’t say there will be lots left over.

    • karonray commented
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      Thank you for your quick response. One of the reasons I prewash is to shrink the fabric.

    Barbara, there is no topic heading for this yet. With the Bloc-Loc 1.25" x 2.5" Geese ruler unavailable, the AccuQuilt 5" Qube, [dies 4 & 5], will work for cutting the triangles for these 1.25" x 2.5" geese and any other 5" finished block that is based on a 4-grid block. I like to die cut my fabric, because by adjusting my seam allowance to get the correct unfinished size, I do not have to square the pieces.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Lynn’s instructions are for pieces cut oversize for Flying Geese units so the die cut measurements will most likely not be the same as the pattern. I also prefer to cut pieces oversize so I can “trim to perfection”. If you can cut pieces exactly right then sew and press exactly right there wouldn’t be any need to trim the units. Whatever works best for you is the method to use.

    Hi Barbara...I would like to add fabrics as you did to the spring kit. Would you mind sharing which fabrics you added?


    • Barbara B. commented
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      My additions are all at least 10 years old. I used the floral border fabric as a guide to select a few darker fabrics that went well with it. My blog has a photo of my “palette”. A deeper yellow, two greens, a periwinkle blue, a deeper pink and a deep magenta.


    Flying geese ruler - Deb Tucker’s Wing Clipper II ruler has 1 1/4” X 2 1/2” size neede for BOM.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Very good info. i just watched a video for this and will buy a Wing Clipper 2 tomorrow to test. Looks like it works in a very similar way and provides a variety of sizes. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Originally posted by vintagelady View Post
    Flying geese ruler - Deb Tucker’s Wing Clipper II ruler has 1 1/4” X 2 1/2” size neede for BOM.
    Lucy, I bought it, liked it, a good alternative to the Bloc Loc, although I still prefer Bloc Loc. I will update my Month 1 blog to include the use of this ruler.

    Thanks for your suggestion.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


      Did I wait too long? The fabric required for Laurel Ridge is not available from the link. It returns the dreaded 404 error message. Btw I had no problem printing the month one patterns, but I’m afraid to start without knowing how much fabric I’ll need.


      • Barbara B. commented
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        Try again. I just fixed the link here to the Fabric Requirements page. Everything is there and open for Star Members who are logged in.

      Melanie, I'm in the same boat. Some how I also missed the announcement.


      • Rebecca F. commented
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        Thank you Barbara.

      the link from here in the forum to the fabric requirements is broken and the info in the learn tab gives no fabric requirements. How can I find those please?


      • Barbara B. commented
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        I just fixed the link here to the main page of Laurel Ridge.

        If you have trouble accessing any of the files try a different browser. I have no problem with all the files today using Chrome.
        Last edited by Barbara B.; 12-29-2024, 12:10 PM.

      got it Barbara, thanks so much.


        If using our own fabrics, why do you recommend using the sewing instructions for the autumn quilt rather than the spring quilt. I actually like some of the blocks in the spring quilt better.


        • Barbara B. commented
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          The recommendation from Lynn to use the Autumn version is simply because there are more fabrics in the Autumn Kit.

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