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Customizing the Center Block

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    So kind. Thanks for the encouragement -- I've kind of stalled and needed the push.


      Wellllll, I can't make up my mind on the center block. I have the Month 2 strips done so that I can look at them with the embroidery piece I made as an option to replace the applique medallion, and I also had purchased the chintz panel and can now look at it with Month 2.

      My husband thinks the embroidery has too much white space. I am very disappointed with the puckering - when I took the hoop off the machine, there wasn't any puckering to speak of, but after I removed the stabilizer, puckering ran rampant.

      I think part of my problem is that I really don't care for the fabrics for Month 2 - I am using the kit - so I'm just stalling out here.

      I would really appreciate thoughts and opinions on these options - please be honest, you won't hurt my feelings.

      Which option?
      1) embroidery of hummingbirds
      2) chintz panel
      3) something else altogether - I love to applique and maybe that is what I should do for this

      Thank you for any thoughts or advice!

      Barb in Alabama
      more like Barb in a quandary


        Barb, I am not making the BOM, but thought I would share my opinion. I like the embroidery. I know there are a lot of puckers. I think when you quilt around the embroidery much of the puckering will disappear. The batting will help too. Hopefully someone else will have more advice about that. The panel is beautiful too. I love the ones I have seen so far with the panel. Sorry, I am not much help.


          I like the embroidery! What design did you use?


            I used to have a lattice pergola that was covered with thick flowering trumpet vines and visited daily by hummingbirds that would hover just feet away from me and stare--maybe saying thanks for the sweet treats?! I love this embroidered panel which reminds me of those gorgeous, goofy birds. Just amazed by the originality and variations this quilt is inspiring in the 2016 bom participants.


              I have to agree with hubby, that there is too much white background showing on the embroidered panel. However I prefer the colours of the embroidered panel with the month two borders. Would it be possible to add some more foliage in the empty areas?


                I say first one it's lovely and agree with Lorra

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  Thank you all for the insightful replies - it is wonderful to be able to ask this kind of question and receive the benefit of your experience and knowledge!

                  I am going with the embroidery and am hoping that my quilting will help with the puckering. It stitched so nicely on my Bernina that I was shocked to see it collapse after I removed the stabilizer, but it's probably due to the rapid fluttering of the hummingbird wings, right?

                  The embroidery is an Anita Goodesign set - I compiled five of the designs and certainly wish I had placed the birds better to fill the space. This 20/20 hindsight thing can be so annoying, but I am looking at the possibility of adding something. Thank you for the suggestion. Another option may be quilting the white space with a rainbow thread - I could FMQ foliage or even another bird or flower...or something...thank goodness there is lots of time before quilting for me to ponder this.

                  Happy to be done with Months 1 and 2, and very grateful for your comments and help!!

                  Barb in sunny Alabama
                  cats lounging in the rays


                    Barb, I prefer the embroidered hummingbirds - they are lovely.
                    Rosemary, I have used your advice (I'm sure many others have too ) and ordered the chintz panel from the Quilter's Guild - it's a suggestion too good to miss, and one I would never have thought of myself.
                    Best Wishes Pam (in Scotland)


                      I think your embroidery design and colors coordinate better with the kit fabrics than the reproduction panel.

                      The hummingbirds and bright flowers are beautiful. If you are unhappy with the placement of the hummingbirds, would it be too hard to stitch out another arrangement? maybe with an extra layer of very firm stabilizer?

                      Your quilt is going to be beautiful. The embroidery is a great idea.


                        Hi from Australia, I think your embroidery is beautiful. I would personally add another bird in the upper part of the block, and more foliage in the lower half. Don't worry about the puckering, you'll attend to that when quilting it. Good luck with your project. I'm not participating in this one - I got hooked on Lessa's Ring Cycle and am working my way through that. Oh, the dreaded set in seams.... But it's coming on beautifully. Cheers, Helen in Adelaide


                          I customized the centre by asking for permission to digitize tit. After I received permission it took all of January to digitize this project. . Boy was it a learning experience for me. It's only after you have stitched out a design that you see your mistakes. I did this several times until I was satisfied. I can see my mistakes but when I showed it to my friend she couldn't see the mistakes. That means its good enough for me. I can hardly wait for month 3



                            Beautiful, Marie! This is going to be the absolutely perfect focal point for your quilt!

                            Barb in Alabama


                              Barb and Marie:
                              Barb - I like your embroidery better than the reproduction panel. Marie - really like your customized digitize panel. Both centers look great fun to see how you both proceed.

                              Barb :-)



                                WOW! To tackle digitizing this block, there was a lot of detail. I love that you thought to ask for permission to digitize, so courteous. Beautiful work.


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