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Problems Watching The Quilt Show

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    Problems Watching The Quilt Show

    I know I can't be the only one out there with this problem....I love this site....the shows, classes, the forum....but about 6 or 8 weeks ago I started having problems watching certain shows, they would not play at all on my kindle fire...than a week or 2 later I discover that I am not able to scroll thru show listings or class listings. Weird!! My only computer is a Kindle Fire & the computer at work. Amazon says their is nothing wrong with my kindle fire. The tech people on this site cannot figure it out. Anyone else out there with this problem? Any suggestions? I can get wifi no problems at others houses of family, friends & McDonalds, no problem. I can watch utube & netflicks with no problems also. Any suggestions would be appreciated...I don't want to cancel, but why have something you cant use?

    What browser are you using to access TQS? If you are using Internet Explorer, you might try switching to Google Chrome or Firefox.

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      I have an android tablet, not a Kindle Fire, and wasn't able to watch TQS shows or smilebox on it until I downloaded Adobe Flashplayer to use even though it isn't available for tablets any more. At least now it works but I do wish there was some video player that TQS could use that would work with Android systems.


        I usually watch the shows on my laptop, but I have a Kindle Fire HD so I gave it a test. I was able to download and watch the latest show, at least the first couple of minutes, without a problem. I only watched the first few minutes since I'd already watched this show. Don't know if that helps.



          Hi Nancy,
          Are you able to scroll thru the classroom lists? Are you able to scroll thru the different classroom skerries? Thoes are things that I used to be able to do I can no longer do. In addition, I cannot watch the latest show, with Grace Errand at all. Any additional information that these IT guys have may help them fix this problem.


            I have an Android tablet (Galaxy) and wasn't able to watch in my usual browser today. But I was able to watch using the Dolphin browser.


              It's not just you. I had problems viewing with my laptop (with Firefox). I assumed that the problem was my computer, but my computer tech said no, my computer and its connection was fine. The problem existed with the web site that I was trying to connect to (quilt show.) I'm with you on this. Since I buy the DVDs anyway, I am going to let my subscription expire (unless there is a radical improvement) and just buy the DVDs. Kinda sad because I am a charter member and I have gotten to this point.

              Diane Frank


                This is the first time I had a problem in a long tine, so I am sure not ready to give up yet.


                  ok, so I installed Adobe Reader with no luck what so ever. Then I tried to install Dolphin 'Browser' but it is not available for the Kindle fire...I WANT MY SHOW BACK!!


                    I'm not tech savvy one bit...but last nite I tried my Kindle Fire HD and it was slow..and cranky ! This AM
                    I had no troubles, loaded with ease and had all my Show capabilities....everything there and useable. :?: :?: :?:


                      Oh, I use Firefox...forgot that !!


                        Diane -- I live just half-way across town from you and I'm having
                        no problems whatsoever -- and you know how computer savvy I am! :shock:
                        Could the problem be with your high-speed access at your home? We had
                        to have that tweaked before the kindles would work.


                          I thought this was my internet service with the slow and cranky on my desktop, but I'm going to try Chrome. I'll try my Kindle Fire HD after it's done charging. I never did have much luck with the old Fire.


                            I must say this is quite distressing. We quit hosting the videos ourselves in 2010 and pay a very high rate to a video company who is supposed to keep us updated on all devices and platforms. (They handle ESPN.com and Yahoo Japan.) It is also important as we are creating a whole new website. So, I'm glad we have the opportunity to address this now. First I will buy a Kindle HD. (I remember having to buy an iPad for the same testing reason. I soon realized as I stood in Apple line at 5am that I was the only person in line that actually "needed" the iPad. For everyone else it was at toy.) Is there anything I should know before I buy one?

                            I will also forward your comments to my representative at Ooyala (our video company). They will inevitably have more questions than I can answer. dFrank I will probably see if they can contact you directly as a test case. By the way, thank you for your help so far on the new site.

                            We will solve this. If our Video company can host ESPN then maybe we have a glitch between their code and ours.
                            Livermore, California, USA near San Francisco


                              Hi Judy!
                              No, my internet is fine and so is my computer. (I paid good money to verify that - ugh!) I am not using a Kindle to access the show. I use my laptop or my android phone. (I don't "watch" shows on my phone.) Some one else was talking about the Kindle.




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