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Discouraged with my quilting group

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    Discouraged with my quilting group

    Our group has been together for about 4 years. We use to do a lot of quilting projects, explored a lot of techniques. Now we hardly lift a needle.

    We have not done any new and exciting in over a year. We do bring our individual projects but mostly we sit and xITCH. Medical problems, the economy, missing members ( this is usually in a good way, nothing mean) politics.. ( religion talk is not allowed.. I am so tired of all this and frankly I am not really interested cause I have heard it all before ( nothing really changes.) I work all day and like coming to the quilting group to learn about quilting... new techniques. I am not disinterested about real problems and sorrows but I am tired of the negative bitching and whining and DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT.

    THANK you for letting me xitch. I am seriously thinking about quitting the group. I like the girls individually but as a group they are becoming depressing.

    I completely understand. I had one group that was starting to go yours has...I had two options: quit the group or help change the group. I love the gals in my group and didn't want to stop being with them.
    SO this is what I proposed in the group: We meet only once a month, several group projects (a block lotto, Round Robin, and several charity projects). But I also sat down and simply asked the group what they wanted out of the meetings. Believe it or not...they were all starting to feel the same way!
    We also planned several 'sew-ins' for the day. We meet at my home once every quarter and for a day of sewing. Sometimes everyone brings a bag lunch and I make dessert...or I make a lite lunch (this time it was mac and cheese with homemade tomato soup and a salad. One gal brought muffins for 'breakfast' and another brought brownies for dessert.

    Next year I have planned...a theme Round Robin quilt. We are going to all read the same book (have not decided yet) and we will each make a quilt using the theme of the book. So we are going to read and quilt!!

    We structure our once a month meetings: lite dinner (appetizers) usually, then we discuss upcoming projects or ideas, show and tell, and sometimes a demo. In the show and tell...it can be anything...needlework, knitting, quilt books or magazines. We also plan road trips to quilt shows, museums, fabric shops...etc.

    We also recently opened our group to several new members (the olds ones were getting stale (LOL) which also help pump some new life in the group.

    Have some fun...and understand that really as the group matures life changes seem to dominate but it doesn't mean it has to be why the group stays together.



      Maybe you can suggest taking turns in bringing something new each month. Divide the year up and you will know in advance when it is your turn to bring something new to share with the group. That is one of the things I enjoy about coming here. The different projects that everyone does.


        FW - Great points!

        Some times groups will make their way to a place that they really don't want to be, but don't take the opportunity to question if there is really where they wanted to go, or where they want to stay.

        I remember taking a psychology class that included a lesson called "The Road to Abilene". In the story, a family is sitting around on their front porch with nothing to do. Someone suggests taking a drive to Abilene (maybe 45 minutes one way). They pile in the car and drive to Abilene..... and it turns out that no one is happy, because no one really wanted to go to Abilene. Rather, they were trying to "get along" and subsequently "went along" on a road trip that no one really wanted to be on.

        Long story, but the point is that it's probably worthwhile to check with the group to see if this is what they really wanted out of the quilt group get-togethers. There is a chance that others are feeling the same way too..... and it's a good opportunity to get things back on track. And, of course, if the current course is what the group wants, then it may be time to find a new group.

        I hope you find what you are looking for!

        Mary Kay


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